Main benefits
Accessible climate action that matters - Convenient tree planting plans help take small steps towards major impact.
Sustainable direct carbon removal - Instead of one-time carbon credits, we offer carbon recapture rates connected to the natural growth of trees.
Climate impact tracking - Real time feedback on your climate action, including rate and amount of CO2 recapture and restored forest area.
Anti-greenwashing measures - Our projects are based purely on direct carbon removal, and we don't overestimate their effectiveness.
How it works?
Select a tree planting plan which suits your needs and goals.2
We plant trees and take care of them, together with our partners.3
Track your positive impact through the Green Wedge dashboard.
Why does climate action matter?
The vast increase in fossil fuel use has led to unprecedented greenhouse gas emissions. This drives global temperature increase, and if we don't do anything, it could cause irreversible ecosystem changes that will impact not only biodiversity, but also human wellbeing and the economy.
Many governments and businesses pledge that they will decrease their emissions, but it may not be enough, as we also have to recapture CO2 already emitted.
Currently, the global average share of greenhouse gas emissions exceeds 4,5 tons per capita, with over 10 tons in some countries. This seems a lot, but these quantities may be offset by each of us through systematic action, and a critical mass of individual action could lead to global change! It won't be instant, but nevertheless it is an investment in our future.
Emissions per capita as an estimation for personal carbon footprint
A carbon footprint is the amount of CO2 emitted by the all activities undertaken by an individual or a company. Although in the case of businesses there is a reliable methodology for calculating emissions, there is no standardized approach for calculating individual footprints. There are many online tools which could help assess this, but in our opinion a pretty good approximation comes from nationwide emissions per capita, which averages all economic activity (including, energy, transport, goods, services and infrastructure) that constitutes our lifestyle, opportunities and overall prosperity. This is why we also encourage taking not only individual, but also organized action, and pressing climate issues on decisionmakers and legislature. In the meantime, each of us could make a tangible impact on balancing our share of emissionsby restoring ecosystems to scale.
How much CO2 could a tree recapture?
The answer varies depending on the tree species and if they are solitaire or in a forest.
Although an adult tree could even recapture over 20 kg of CO2 per year, using this figure to assess the climatic impact of tree planting is misleading, as not every tree will reach such an age, due to natural disasters, diseases, adverse conditions or competition from other trees.
This is why we have opted for a top-down approach, starting with the standard carbon recapture value per hectare of forest, as assessed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and dividing it by initial planting density. This gives an approximate long-term average amount per planted tree, taking into account their survival rate, which in case of our broadleaf temperate forests is approximately 3 kg of CO2 per year from seedling until reaching carbon balance of the forest.
Carbon recapture figures could be further verified by conducting field research in planted forests.
Why plant trees?
Restoring ecosystems, especially forests is deemed to be the most effective way to remove atmospheric carbon, which could allow us to mitigate the effects of climate change. There is also enough suitable land worldwide to do so on the required scale. Beside direct carbon recapture there are a lot additional benefits to ecosystem restoration such as regenerating soil, improving water retention and filtration, increasing biodiversity, creating habitats and migratory routes for plants and animals, regulating microclimates, or offering socio-cultural benefits such as recreation and improving public health and wellbeing.
How could greenwashing impact climate action?
Greenwashing is an intended, or sometimes unintended, action that aims to portray a product or service as more environmental friendly than it actually is.
Unfortunately, even though acting in good faith, the effectiveness of many climate endeavours tends to be significantly overestimated, which means that any action taken could well prove insufficient. Carbon credits also spark some controversies, as they are often based not on carbon recapture, but on emission avoidance associated with some new projects such as renewable energy production, which some interpret as simply buying peace of mind, as it doesn't even reduce the amount of CO2 currently emitted.
That's why we base our project solely on direct carbon removal and we strive not to overestimate its effectiveness.
What Green Wedge means
Green Wedge is a concept from urban and regional planning, meaning the protection of existing natural or semi-natural environments or their introduction in developed areas, to improve air quality, access to recreation, biodiversity and microclimate moderation.
Our initiative is similarly aimed at reclaiming overexploited lands for nature, which will offer multiple benefits, both for restored ecosystems and their surroundings.
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